Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Met At The National Library

First time, i saw him with his friend at the National Library,
I know that he was my prince charming,
For me, he was very2 perfect,
I love his smile, I love the way he reading and I love his style,
I think he know that I curi2 pandang die,
But sometimes I think he also curi2 pandang I,
I don`t know why I could`t say something or even smile when he look at me,
I can`t sleep at the whole night cause I can`t stop thinking about him,
So I gelar kn die, Isomenia.

One week later, tibe2 I saw Isomenia at my school,
Omg, die pindah skolah! And now he was my classmate!
Time die perkenalkan diri die kat dpn, die sempat senyum kat I,
Rehat pun tibe, tibe2 Isomenia dtg kat my friend, Jess and I,
Isomenia bg tahu name die kat kitorunk,
His name is Ifkenz.

Skrg kitorunk dh pun jd kwn,
Me, Ifkenz and Jess,
But sometimes I x suke lh Jess cause die cam lebih2.

I slalu curi2 pandang Ifkenz,
Bile I pandang die,
Die mesti senyum kat I,
Kitorunk slalu b`borak psl I, psl die and psl Jess,
Tp paling byk psl I lh,
I think he love me too.

One day nie, Jess and I rancang nk g National Library,
Tibe2 last minutes, Jess x jd nk g,
Die kate nenek die masuk hospital,
Geram nyer I!,
And then, I try lh ajk Ifkenz,
Tp die x bleh, die kate die nk kluar ngan family die,
Sedih nyer, kene tolak and kene g sorunk2.

Tp nk wat cam ne kan, exam dh nk dkt,
T`paksa lh pegi jugak,
Sampai2 jerk kat National Library 2,
I trus amik buku and cari tempat duduk,
Perghh, semua penuh lh,
Satu meje jerk x penuh,
Ade satu couple duduk,
I x kisah lh, duduk jerk lh,
Ye lh nk blajar kan.

I can`t stand anymore!,
Memekak lh couple nie,
Dr td bukan nk blajar tp berkissing-kissing jerk,
Ape lg, I sound lh diorunk,
Diorunk bangun, tp tibe2 I tgk muke diorunk,
Rupa2 nyer 2 Jess and Ifkenz!,
Owh my god!, hancur giler hati I,
Selama nie I b`tepuk sebelah tgn and sebelum nie bukn die senyum kat I tp Jess,
Air mata I tibe2 jerk mula mengalir-ngalir.

Tibe2 ada sorunk leleki nie muncul and say hi kat kitorunk,
T`kejut nyer bile I tgk die cause muke die sme ngan Ifkenz,
Rupa2 nyer 2 twins Ifkenz, Inoken,
And then, yg I first jumpe kat library nie, 2 sebenar nyer Inoken,
Malu nyer!!!.

Lps 2, Inoken renung I, I pandang lh die cause I ingat die x puas ati ngan I,
But tibe2 die ckp, do you wanna be my angel?,
Tibe2 jerk my mouth nie x bleh nk kawal, my mouth say yes!!,
Sampai skrg nie kitorunk still couple and I hope sampai bile2...
