Saturday, July 30, 2011

kata saya

awk slalu ajuk sy mkn kn time kat dlm klas.. wlaupun sy cam x brape nk suke awk wat cam 2.. tp awk nmpk comel lh wat muke gitu... xjd sy nk mrh.. he..he.. n awk nmpk sgt hensem ketika memakai full bju mlayu.. trus2 kn lh stiap ari jumaat pkai cm 2 k.. he..he..he.. :)

loving u syg !!

ok... sy dh jtuh cinta dgn kmu yaa costing.. cuaca pg nie ialah hujn.. agk heavy rain lh kat ampang skrg nie.. but.. omg.. pg2 nie ptut nyer aku sedang berada d katil smbil mte t`2tup dan imagine bende yg best2 (mimpi yg indah2)... tetapi sy telah memilih utk membuat costing.. ayt cm menggelabah.. tp sy suke awk lh costing..

antare kerja yg d beri oleh madam..
dgn ini sy ingin mengucap kn ribuan trime kasih kpd lecturer sy krn tlah mengajar sy costing dgn baik.. n thankz 2 my group.. acap, sheetahbun, amy n abby.. d sygi...... he..he.. sbb sbr dgn aku.. n thankz korunk tlg ajr aku pe yg aku x fhm.. group yg ok.. even masing2 cm x knal sgt sebenar nyer.. xlh.. sebenar nyer aku jerk.. untung lh korunk.. couple2 dlm group kn.. aku?? ha..ha..

Friday, July 29, 2011

fall for him...

at first...
we were just a friend..
it is just a lie that we put our status "in a relationship" at fb..
coz we were just playing around..

but suddenly when we were first time date at TS..
i were just like, ermm... his not that bad..
he is so gentle.. omg.. handsome 2..
text... im... chat... facebooking... calling....

and yaa..
we were classmates..
sometimes we were like 2 played, "pndang2" aka "lwn2 mata"..
of coz lh..
he will be de winner.. he..he..
he always makes me smile..

i had never imagine that i will love u like that way..
i thought we were just having fun together..
chilling out..
but lately when people ask me about my felling, i feel like i wanna say...
i lurve u damn much syg.. :)

i find myself stranded in friendship zone always..

Friday, July 22, 2011

bukn REMPIT V3 tp REMPIT ***RI

tgk.. unik kn motor nie.. agak2 wujud x motor nie?? serius if wujud aku xnk naik.. wat plik jerk.. ha..ha..
dgn ini sy ingin m`cerite kn kpd anda bgaimana perasaan dan pengalmn sy naik moto.. tidk!!! naik moto.. sy sgt xsuke yerk.. tipu lh if sy kate sy xpenh naik moto.. tp rse penh brape kali jerk penh naik moto.. itu pun time skolah rendh.. skrg sy dh kolej ok.. he..he..
dgn spe sy naik??? he..he.. of coz lh dgn c die.. he..he.. jgn nk sweet sgt lh kn.. aku rse cm aku dh mcm minah rempit dh.. dh r pinjm helmet org.. ha..ha.. die bwk sgt lju ok.. die kate kat aku die bwk 20 jerk.. xyh nk tipu sgt lh awk.. kwn sy kate awk bwk 100 lebih.. he..he.. plak 2 bleh plak mereka2 nie men lumbe2 plak.. rempit sejati dh aku.. part jln straight 2 aku ok ag..part yg selekoh2 nie.. wa t`pakse pejam mte lh der.. ha..ha..

hah.. nie penglmn yg sy xkn lupe.. first time dlm seumo hidup sy, nie lh time sy kene thn ngan roadblock.. dh r nek moto plak 2.. giler tkut lh siut.. die mintk ic, lesen. ngan road tax.. nsib bek lh c die ade.. klu xde?? mau aku kene tido lokap.. x.. sebenar nyer.. sy yg t`lbih tkut.. ye r.. slalu tgk kat tv if org yg kene thn nek moto.. msti diorunk kene diasingkn.. kene duduk kat jln rye.. kene letk tgn kat ats kepale.. pas 2 moto kene tarik.. owh.. tidk.. ha..ha.. tp alhamdullilah.. nothing bad thing happen.. kitorunk slamat pegi n balik.. 

-anyway thankz kat awk coz bwk sy nek moto, pengalmn owh.. he..he..-

Monday, July 18, 2011

bella luna by azmilfitri....

sy suke awk lh azmilfitri!!!! <3 suare awk sgt sdp.. dh lh muke cute kn.. ermm.. lgu nie slh stu favourite sy.. thankz jd kwn sy kn youtube.. he..he.. awk2.. nme bf kte fitri jugk... :P nk jugk intn nie.. he..he..

baby im yours utk awk... :)

branie nyer die.. :)

ok.. kmu x bising ari nie.. m`buat kn sy sedikit plik.. tp wlau pape pun.. trime kasih krn ats kerjasama anda.. sy amat hargai nyer..
td klas agame sgt.... he..he.. ustazah kmi nie suke ckp, BRANIE NYER DIE... kpd org2 yg branie melakukn dosa..
tp die sgt baik yer.. kmi sgt bebas d kls die.. bleh wat ape2 jerk.. syg kat ustazah lbih..
ermm.. mls nk ckp ag.. bye.. ha..ha.. (crite cm x abis kn, t`gantung) ha..ha..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

hari ini..

ari sgt best skali kat klas.. ermm.. xtau nape.. maybe.. faktor utame ialah d sbb kn org yg aku xsuke 2, x dtg.. sgt appy lh.. pas 2 kn td.. time akhir2 kat dlm klas.. sume cm m`ngantuk jerk.. sy sje r pndang blakang.. tgk2 c die sedang pndang sy..

pas 2 biler sy tgk die.. die buat2 pndang tmpt lain.. he..he.. pas 2 sy pndang lh dpn balik.. xlme pas 2.. sy pun tgk lh kat blakang.. tgk2.. die tgh t`menung tgk sy smbil senyum.. sy pun senyum lh balik..
huh..... tipu x cair.. he..he..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

kpd .....

xh nk menggelabi sgt dlm klas kn.. bru msuk tp nk kecoh2.. memekak r.. bleh x cube hormat ckit org.. respect lecterure lh.. xyh nk budget sgt.. awk 2 bukn super duper pndai.. chill sudh.. rilek.. blajar dgn aman.. huh.. cube wat rilek.. msti sume suke kau.. nie xde.. org kutuk blakang kau r weyh..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

when ur bf were ur classmate

omg.. omg.. omg.. nope.. serius.. xmint nyer biler bf kte nie stu klas dgn kte kn.. 2 pd i lh.. would u think that, owh x best nyer.. t x bebas.. u pun rse cm mlu2 jerk, x selesa..
dlu kn time skolah, if nmpk bdk2 skolah b`cinte kat skolah, i msti cm kutuk.. nk b`cinte pun kat luar skolah lh kn.. ape r kau..
n i never ever think how if my bf jd classmate i.. maybe ok kowt if kat kolej.. kte pun dh bsr kn.. tp sgt plik lh de..
i arap sgt i x stu klas dgn c DIE.. tetapi.. huh.. yaa.. kami stu klas.. itu secare kebetulan ok.. sgt klakar..   time mule2 nk msuk klas 2 rse cm.. adui.. xnk.. xsuke.. keseganan tahap satu..
tp biler lalui.. ermm.. ok jerk rse.. xde pape pun.. cm klakar ckit.. he..he..
k r.. mls nk 2lis byk.. nk tido.. mlm nie nk study maut.. adios.. :)

dh start klas....

giler lme x update rse nyer.. tp xde lh lme sgt kn sebenar nyer.. ha..ha.. skrg dh duk umah sewa.. trase bebas ckit.. ermm.. spt biase pergi klas... ok lh.. lecturer pun wat mse nie xde yg wat hal.. but de sorunk nie cm menakut kn ckit.. lecturer LAW nie dh mcm lawyer dh sy tgk.. agk kegarangan d c 2... ari sgt letih sgt.. xtau knape.. time agame td pun sy dh nangis2.. sbb m`ngantuk.. sbr jerk ustazah 2.. byk giler keje owh.. presentation lh.. assignment ag.. sem nie sgt m`cabar keimanan.. ermm.. x lme lg pun dh nk puase.. :) owh.. lupe nk ckp.. kpd senior2 jumpe lh sy,sy nk bli buku kmu.. n kpd freshie dan jugk junior, korunk2 dtg lh jumpe akak nie.. akak nie nk jual buku die.. pd hal bru sem 3.. ha..ha.. k lh... bubbye...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

pulanglah by awi rafael wif shila amzah

xtau since when t`mint lgu nie.. siap hafal lg 2..anyway thankz 2 awi rafael coz being one of de my followers kat twitter.. thankz bro.. k.. enjoy lh lgu nie.. :)

wanna be myselfcermin

bleh x nk jd diri sendiri???
knape msti kene ubah if sy x suke..
sy xnk jd hipokrito...
sy kasar???
sungguh plik...
mcm xleyh nk trime itu...
terime kasih...
awk memang xknal sy lngsung....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

We're smiling but we're close to tears: i'm lovin' it

t`haru lh yana... thankz... :)
We're smiling but we're close to tears: i'm lovin' it 

did you ever think

answer: nope.. i don`t think so..

Reasons I love Him

 Everytime I ask, He gives.

Everytime I cry, He listens.

Everytime I call, He runs.

Everytime I sin, He forgives.

Everytime I repent, He forgets.

Everytime I knock, He opens.

Everytime I attend, He welcomes.

Everytime I nag, He hears.

Everytime I request, He accepts.

Everytime I question, He solves.

Everytime I plea, He resolves.

Everytime I take, He provides.

Everytime I insist, He grants.

Everything I do, is about me.. and everything He does, is about me.

No other person could be this kind to me, I can guarantee that.